Register for 2024 Boys Tryouts
We have wrapped up tryouts for the 2024/2025 season. Thank you to all who attended and volunteered to coach. We were able to create a lot of great teams. Click here to see tryout results. ​
Why tryouts?
Long experience has proven that kids progress the most when competing with, and against those of comparable skill. Tryouts help coaches align athletes into these similar groups, allowing them the best opportunities for growth.
Will everyone make a team?
The number of youth that can participate is limited by the number of head coaches for each grade. Unfortunately, we usually have more signups than available positions on our teams. If you are interested in coaching, click here.
What will it cost?
The cost to tryout is free. However, costs to play on a team will vary based on uniforms, practice facilities, and what leagues and tournaments your team participates in. Average costs range between $300-$400.
What's the Time Commitment?
Most teams practice twice a week, and Winter League games usually run from the end of November through February or March. But again, these will vary per team depending on which leagues and seasons they participate in.
When do practices start?
Practice times will be determined by your team's coach. While most teams will not start practicing until after fall sports like football wind down, tryouts are held early enough to allow teams to participate in fall leagues if desired.
Are there 2nd Grade Teams?
There are no 2nd grade leagues. If you have a 2nd grader that wants to play up, have him sign up for 3rd grade tryouts. Occasionally we get an entire 2nd grade team that wants to play up. If you are organizing a 2nd grade team, let us know and we will help out where we can.