Frequently Asked Questions
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Q: What is Lehi Youth Basketball (LYB)?
A: Lehi Youth Basketball is a volunteer-run community program that works in conjunction with the Lehi High School coaching staff to help organize boys and girls competitive basketball teams in Lehi. LYB is the official feeder program for the Lehi High School basketball programs and as such provides unique opportunities for the players to gain early exposure to the high school system and players. LYB encouranges teams to focus on teaching solid fundamentals to prepare athletes to compete at the next level.
Q: Is LYB a league?
A: No, Lehi Youth Basketball does not organize any games or leagues and does not run the teams directly. LYB is a volunteer organization that helps organize boys and girls competitive basketball teams and provides resources for coaches, parents and players. However, the coaches of the individual teams will work with the parents to choose the leagues in which to participate.
Q: Where will games be held?
A: Game locations will depend on the leagues and tournaments in which your team decides to participate. The most common leagues which Lehi teams play in are:
UC Bantam - A Utah County league corresponding to the high school boundaries. Games are played all over Utah County in high schools and middle schools.
SLC Sports Office Super League - A competitive league played in schools throughout Salt Lake County.
Q: Where will practices be held?
A: Your coach will select practice locations. Most teams rent practice time in school gyms.
Q: When will practices and games start?
A: This will depend on your coach and the seasons and leagues in which you participate. Tryouts will be held in September and some teams may participate in fall leagues or tournaments. Winter leagues typically start after Thanksgiving or in early December and run through Feb to mid March.
Q: What days are games held?
​A: Again, this will depend on your coach and the seasons and leagues in which you participate.
Q: Who are the coaches?
A: Coaches are volunteers and usually one of the players' parents. If you are interested in coaching, we have a lot of resources available to you. To coach (either head or assistant), please sign up prior to tryouts. If tryouts are over and teams are already selected, you can still help out. Most coaches will take all the help they can get, so ask your player's coach how you can help.
Q: What are the time commitments?
A: Most teams practice twice a week, although older grades may practice more, and winter league games usually run from the end of November through February or March. But again, these will vary per team and leagues.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: The cost to tryout is free. However, costs to play on a team will vary based on uniforms, practice facilities, and the leagues and tournaments in which your team participates. Average costs range between $250-$400 but yours could be higher or lower.
Q: Do LYB or the coaches make money?
A: No. LYB coaches are all volunteers. Most of your fees go towards uniforms (usually $60-100 per player), leagues registration (usually between $500-$800 per team), tournament registration and practice facilities. Typically practice facilities are the largest cost for a team. Talk to your coach about breakdown details for your team.
Q: How do you pay for LYB?
Although LYB is run by volunteers, there are some administration costs such as paying for this website. Coach Bromley holds coaching clinics to help improve the quality of coaching and to act as a general fundraiser for the program. Participation in these clinics is optional (but highly recommended) for 3rd-6th grade coaches. 7th and 8th grade A and B team coaches are required to attend (and should keep this in mind as they estimate team costs) as their teams will be following the high school play book more closely.
Q: How can I help?
A: Glad you asked. LYB is run entirely by volunteers and we always need more help. You can help by coaching, assistant coaching, being a team mom or dad, and always being great examples of good sportsmanship.
We would love to hear your great ideas about how to improve LYB.
Q: Can I sponsor LYB?
A: Absolutely. Contact us if you are interested.
Q: How is the high school coaching staff involved?
A: The 7th and 8th grade teams are actively managed by the high school staff. But for all grade levels the opportunities to interact with the high school coaches evolve and grow each year. Opportunities may include attending games or practices and the high school coaching staff works with our coaches to help provide the best experience for Lehi youth.
Q: When are tryouts?
A: LYB holds tryouts each year shortly after school starts up. Keep your eye on this page for exact dates.
Q: Why have tryouts?
A: The main goal of youth sports is for kids to have a great time while learning both sports and life skills. Long experience has proven that kids progress the most when competing with, and against those of comparable skill. Tryouts help coaches align athletes into these similar groups, allowing them the best opportunities for growth and the best possible experience.
Q: My kid was on a team last year. Do they still need to try out?
A: Yes. Coaches evaluate players each year to make sure they are in the situation that will help them progress the most.
Q: Will every kid make a team?
A: The number of players that can participate is limited by the number of head coaches and teams for each grade. Unfortunately, we usually have more athletes than available positions on our teams, so we are always looking for more coaches. If you are interested in coaching, click here.
Q: Who picks the teams?
A: For 7th and 8th grade, the high school coaching staff runs tryouts and selects the 'A' and 'B' teams and assigns coaches. Additional teams can be created by volunteer coaches for boys that do not make the A or B teams. For all other grades, the teams are selected by the volunteer coaches for that grade, grouping the players into groups with similar skill levels.
Q: Who picks the coaches?
All LYB coaches are volunteers. If you are interested in coaching, please sign up here. For the 7th and 8th grades, Coach Bromley and his high school staff will run tryouts and select both the teams and the coaches for the A and B teams. For younger grades, we hold a coaches meeting prior to tryouts for all those who have signed up to help organize each grade and determine who will coach each team.
Q: I already coach a team. What should I do?
A: The short answer - join us. Bring your team and your experience and help make our program better. There are many advantages to being part of the Lehi Youth Basketball program. Work with the other coaches in your grade to determine the best way to integrate your team into your grade level. Even though you already have a team, we encourage you to participate in tryouts to make sure teams are distributed to group players with those of similar skill levels. However, if you are determined to keep your team exactly as is, we still encourage you to join the program to take advantage of the organization and other benefits we provide such as ordering uniforms as a group and access to the high school coaching staff and programs.
Q: How will I know if my son or daughter made a team?
A: After tryouts, we will post the results on the Girls Teams and Boys Teams pages. However, coaches will usually announce team rosters via email as well.
Q: What if my son/daugter doesn't make the 'A' team?
A: The most important thing is for players to progress, have fun, and have a really good experience - all of which can be hampered by being on a team too far above or below their skill level. Over the years, kids may be moved between teams based on their current development to help keep them progressing, but in the end, the team letter does not matter much. Coaches carefully organize teams to keep athletes playing with others with similar skill levels as this provides them the best experiences and helps maximize their progression. Being on the 'A' team does not mean your child will make the high school team, nor does being on a 'B' team mean they won't. But being on the 'right' team will give them the best chance to progress to the point that they can compete at the high school level. Many recent varsity players were on 'B' teams in Bantam.
Q: Why does my son need an AAU number and where do we get them?
A: Bantam requires AAU registration to participate, primarily for insurance reasons. You can find details on how to get an AAU# on the Bantam site.
Q: What size basketballs will the teams use?
A: Double check with your coach as different leagues may have different rules, but in most cases, boys grades 3-6 use a 28.5 inch ball and grades 7-8 use a full size 29.5 inch ball. Girls teams usually use a 28.5 inch ball.
Q: Is LYB for kids that will attend Skyridge too?
A: Unfortunately no. Bantam regulations require that kids play within their high school boundaries so LYB is only for those that will attend Lehi High School. However, Skyridge does have their own program.
Q: If a youth does not participate in LYB, can they still play in High School
A: Absolutely. Our goal is to provide exceptional training and competitive team experiences that will help prepare boys and girls to play at the next level. However, Lehi High School basketball tryouts are completely independent from our program. When trying out for high school teams, having participated in LYB does not provide any direct advantage outside of the skills and experiences developed through the program.